Buchmiller Family History ABC

A is for ancestors, Atkin & aunts

Ancestors are family who lived long ago...
They gave us our heritage and today help us grow.  

B is for Buchmiller, bears, bottle-fed lambs, Burton Farm & baby in a basket

C is for 8 children, courage, cousins & Christine

John & Effie Buchmiller with their 8 children
bottom, left to right: John Jr., Effie, John, Naomi
top, left to right: Fay, Karl, Norlene, Max, Ramona, Golden

D is for dugout, dry farm

A dugout was a lean-to 
Built into the earth
Humble and crude 
Still a home of great worth.

E is for Effie, education, egg money, Emma & England

F is Fay & Russ, faith, father, family, fan chart & family prayer

G is for Golden & Carol, Germany, green bread, grandparents, games, George & the gospel

H is for hats, headlights, handcart & hard work

Grandma Emma Johnson Atkin went to dress making school in Salt Lake City
and later opened the first Millinery in Tooele, Utah in 1911

Sisters--Rebecca & Effie Atkin in Emma's hats
Emma's Millinery (Hat Maker Store) in Tooele
The inside of Emma's Millinery

Grandma Emma Johnson’s family walked to Utah pulling a handcart.  
Emma was born in Utah.

I is for Idaho, immigrants, instruments

J is for John Henry, jokes, journal and Jesus Christ

J is also for John Jr.

K is for Karl, Klingler, Karl Heinrich

L is for letters, lightening, love & Logan, Utah

Written to Grandpa John Buchmiller on his 75th birthday, about 2 years before Grandma Buchmiller died.

M is for Max & Charlene, music, mother, Mormon missionaries & miracles

Max & Charlene and their 6 kids:  Kaylin, Linda, Patti, Susan, Karl & Geoff

N is for Norlene & Kenny

N is for Naomi & Dene

O is for ocean

The Zetland

Our ancestors sailed the ocean blue
Because of their faith and what they deemed true.

P is for purple house, pioneers, potatoes, prayer & piano

Q is for quilts

Q is for quilts and questions galore--
"Where is he going?" "What shall I do?"
"What is this feeling that makes my heart soar?"

Like a pieced quilt, stitched together with love--
These questions wove fabric with divine help from above.

R is for Ramona, reunions, ranch, Rexburg, raspberries & Ricks

S is for sheep, Saints, sand dunes, Sweden & Sabbath Day

1950? Randy feeding lamb in Grandma Effie's backyard, Rexburg, Idaho 
and sheep shearing tools

T is for train, temple, Tooele, track & Teton Dam

Before they met, Karl Buchmiller & Christine Walz immigrated from Germany & came west on the train after the pioneer era.

Grandpa Karl Buchmiller worked for the railroad walking track, 
looking for dangerous spots for the railroad to repair.

U is for Utah & uncles

V is for values 

W is for wagons, wild horses, Walz, white table cloth

Grandpa George Atkin & his family crossed the plains in a covered wagon. 
George was 11 years old.


X is for eXtended family

Y is for you

Y is for you...
You two...
You three...
You are important to this Family!

Z is for Zion

They came for Zion
The pure in heart
Their legacy lingers
When we all do our part...

Buchmiller Family

The John & Effie Buchmiller family with spouses in December 1960--gathered for Grandma Effie's funeral.
Front row: Dene & Naomi Ogden, Carol Buchmiller (Golden’s wife), John H. Buchmiller, Nola Buchmiller (Karl’s wife).  Back row: John Jr., Ramona and Hy McLain with Golden between them, Max & Charlene Buchmiller, Norlene & Floyd Kenison, Fay & Russell Kern, and Karl Buchmiller.
